Championship Registration @ Turtleback July 25
Directions: Fill out this form to claim a spot and tee time in this event
Adults & College Rate $15- $25 + Cart fee (optional)
Junior Member Rate: $25-35 || Non-Member Junior Rate: $45-55
Become a WWIGolf Member Today:
Early Bird Sale Price
Event Payment will be collected at Check-in on day of event.
Payment methods accepted: Cash, Check & Credit Card
After filling out this form your tee time will be emailed at least 48 hours in advance
Please enter your info below to register for the Championship Event
**Please get registered ASAP to be sure you get a spot in the event! Also, it really helps us to know how many players are planning to compete each week. The course likes to know for planning purposes. So please help us out and get signed up as early as possible!
We will email you tee times 48 hours in advance of the event.
**Be sure to show support to the golf course for hosting by doing the following:
Play a practice round before the event, buy range balls to warm-up, buy food and beverages (no carry ons other than water please), buy souvenirs or merchandise from the clubhouse. Check-in on social media with pictures and positives from the day. Give a great review on google or other socials.
Doing these things helps courses love our Western WI Golf group and ensures us great rates and access to great Western WI golf courses!
Indicates required field
Player's Name
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18 Hole Championship Event Registration - July 25th at Turtleback
Would you like to Play the Championship Event?
Player Info
Tour Event Level
Mens Tour (College & Adults)
Womens Tour (College & Adults)
Girls HS Tour (9th - 12th Grade)
Boys HS Tour (9th - 12th Grade)
Boys Middle School Tour (5th - 8th grade)
Girls Middle School Tour (5th - 8th Grade)
Boys Elementary Tour (Below 5th Grade)
Girls Elementary Tour (Below 5th grade)
Family Tour (Fun and Non-Competitive)
Player's Email (Or Parent for Jr Golfers)
Player's Phone Number (Or Parent for Junior Golfers)
Any golf buddies you want to play with? We will do our best to pair you with one teammate or friend. List them here:
Questions or Comments about event? For quick reply text Coach Holen at 651-216-4539
Must be a tour member to play in events. Claim your membership now here:
2020 WWIGolf Membership
Help us grow the game by keeping youth golf affordable and accessible.
2021 Advertising sponsorships now available: